Understanding the Four Employee Personality Types

In a workplace where you manage different people with varying characteristics and traits, it is vital to understand the different personality types to be able to work with them effectively and bring them together as a team.

One of the most effective ways to understand each of your employee’s personality type is by using the DISC personality model. This tool enables you to manage each personality and be able to put your employees together to work as a team more effectively. Most importantly, it allows you to communicate with each one of them well. 

So what’s DISC Personality Model? DISC stands for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness. While it outlines four personality styles, people are more complex than this.  It should be remembered that 80% of people are a mix of two styles though one will remain dominant.

Dominance Style

People with a D-style personality are dominant, direct, firm, and strong willed. They are usually the ‘leaders’ who wants to oversee the job. Ds also like make decisions and get things done quickly.

Traits includes assertive, confident, goal getter, competitive, and strong. People who have a D-style personality work well under pressure.  They tend to be serious and are task rather than people oriented.  

D-styles personalities under stress tend to lack concern for others and can be impatient and uncaring. They worry about being taken advantage of and losing control over tasks and jobs. 

D’s work best in environments where they have freedom and authority. They are also looking for opportunities to advance in the company. You can spot a D by their confidence, a very busy diary and their willingness to take risks.

Influence Style

I-styles are outgoing, optimist, and enthusiastic. They are collaborative, creative and influential, too.

Like the D styles, I-styles are fast-paced.  However, they are people-oriented and friendly rather than task focused. 

They are often considered as a team’s cheerleader who encourage others with positivity, energy, and humor. Their ideal environment is where they can share ideas and influence and befriend others.

An I-style’s biggest fears are rejection, disapproval and being ignored. They are easily recognized by their loquacity, charm and vibrant facial and body expressions.  They are usually the life and soul of the party.

Steadiness Style

Employees with an S-style personality are accommodating, patient, humble and polite.  They are also supportive, stable, understanding, reliable, helpful, and patient.

S-styles are people-oriented but are slow-paced compared to I-styles.  They work best if the environment includes fixed routines and working at a steady rate.

People with this type of personality dislike change, pressure and confrontation. They are easily recognized by the fact they are even tempered, softly spoken and reassuring.

Conscientiousness Style

C’s are systematic, rational, reserved and formal. They are cautious and their main goal is to get things done the right way.

People with this personality obey the rules are usually hesitant to do things at first as they want to be precise. They follow instructions and procedures to the letter.

C’s best work in an environment that is structured and organised. They also must have ample time to complete tasks and projects.  

They are concerned about criticism, methods that lack structure and being wrong. They are considered “The Perfectionists”

You can easily spot a C by the way they talk. They speak slowly in structured careful speech patterns and have fewer face and body expressions compared to the other personality types.

If you want help understanding the personality types and how to use them to make the workplace more productive and cohesive, then contact us today at info@intelligent-outsourcing.io 

21 Mar 2022